Quick Garlic Knots

Last night, I decided I wanted to make garlic knots. I often do that before bed; I decide what I want to make and then I spend my last waking moments searching for recipes online. I go to sleep before I get too involved with figuring out how to sub out ingredients to achieve the…

FKF: NJ’s Famous Tomato Sandwiches

I grew up in South Jersey, which is the polar opposite of North Jersey. You won’t find any Jersey Shore-esque guidos down here. I saw did see one once at Target when I was in college. Actually, I smelled him first…from three aisles away. It was most unpleasant. When you grow up in South Jersey,…

Media Farmers Market

Anybody who knows me or who reads this blog knows I am really, really excited about locally grown produce. It’s my thing. As a South Jersey native, I grew up eating local produce that was either grown in my backyard or purchased at a road side  stands. (Which means it was grown in someone else’s…

Warm Apple Cranberry Breakfast Smoothie

I am stuck on juicing cranberries. I scored a pint of beautiful cranberries from Wollf’s Apple House the other day. They were grown in Hammonton, NJ. Did you know “ninety-five percent of NJ’s cranberries are sold to Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., a grower-owned cooperative with a receiving station in Chatsworth and a processing plant located…

Classic Pesto with Flax Seed

I scored a great deal of fresh basil today for less than a dollar. This is one of the many reasons I love shopping at local establishments. What else can you do with a lot of basil but make pesto? I decided to make some for tonight’s dinner and I froze some for later. I…

Fruity Green Juice

A friend of mine suggested that I do post on juicing. I bought a monster cucumber from Wolff’s Apple House and I said I was going to juice it. She said she had no idea one could juice a cucumber. You can juice pretty much anything. Most fruits and veggies have very high water content…

Cooking 101: Spices

While I was in Boston this summer working for the Boston Ballet, a few of my incredible coworkers gave me some great ideas as to what I should blog about. I like to call these “Bloggable Moments.”  One of the suggestions was a post about spices. A lot of them did not have any idea…

Food Network Needs an Allergen Friendly Show

I am at home in Jersey today because I was in need of an energetic pick-me-up. I planned to upload a recipe for Jewish Apple Cake today, but my recipe failed. I bought a couple of new apples at Wolff’s Apple House in Media and I was so excited about baking with them. The apple…

Hand-rolled Sushi with Cabbage and Hummus

The other day I was craving seaweed salad so I went online and researched exactly what kind of seaweed I would need to make the delectable salad. I went and picked up the salad after my volunteer shift at Selene Whole Foods Co-op only to get home and discover it was not the seaweed I…