What is Cooktivism?

Cooktivism is part cookbook, part sounding board, part review (of our own food and others).  It tries to be budget friendly and is always eco-conscious – meaning if we are shelling out big bucks, it better be damn worth it. Cooktivism is often allergen aware and tries to put our money where our mouth is when it comes to sourcing and sustainability. We are feminists, activists, class warriors. We also have hectic lives and sometimes eat pineapple and yogurt for dinner…all week. We are not professional chefs but Lord knows our lotto dreams include more cafes, food trucks and travel-cooking shows than we can count.

Merriam-Webster defines activism as “a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue.” Our hope is that Cooktivism will be a space where we can share the connections made around the table and in the kitchen while still finding time to discuss the controversies in  the food industry and society that need our attention.

Cooktivism is about reclaiming our kitchens while feeding our souls. Come for the recipes.  Stay for the discourse.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Meryl Steinberg says:

    Mara Gordon just told me about you. I’m in.

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